「上」:Tiffany、A&F、Fossil Group、Michael Kors、Calvin Klein和Tommy Hilfiger的母公司PVH,近期股價皆跌深。
「下」:平價服飾品牌匯集零售商Urban Outfitters股價大漲。
2015年03月10日美國平價服飾品牌匯集零售商Urban Outfitters股價大漲11.52%(台灣news link財訊快報)
美國CNN依股價反應報導自家的品牌公司,趨勢向下,流行精品Cool味不再?。英國The Economist的報導"The purpose of fashion shows is changing. Now everyone can watch"則從 fashion shows切入,奢侈品牌除了藉由時裝週抽掉中間商的蝕利,更在新科技中(透過線上即時轉播)找到更廣、更個人的接觸面,似乎有發掘出更多潛在買家的機會。
2015年03月05日Bloomberg報導A&F股價的「腹肌」沒了… 03月04日單日即暴跌15.51%。
旗下有Burberry、Emporio Armani、DKNY和Diesel等品牌的Fossil Group於2015年02月18日被空襲!
節目影音部份:"Strong dollar hurting fashion brands"
Paul R. La Monica(CNN Money數位特派員)與主持人互動之言論:一般在討論經濟問題時,多是談到中產階級被壓得喘不過氣、底層人民生活的不堪,但精品業多不受影響。而現在,就Ralph Lauren和Michael Kors這些以全球為銷售佈局的美系「流行」精品公司而言,強勢美元絕對是不利的重要因素,再加上歐洲、中國和日本的消費力道因各自的因素而減弱,影響也很大。另一方面,消費者也對它們炫耀張揚的Logo感到疲倦。就Michael Kors而言,數年前上市後的確很夯,但這些年競爭對手不斷出現,使其出現疲態。再加上精品界挖角風盛行,此消彼長在所多有。
Heather Long的文章則引用多位專家的論點直指,這些名牌精品之前因為景氣不好大打折扣戰,再加上outlet到處開,當流行精品的標價不再高不可攀,人們開始懷疑它們「名牌」的成份還有多高?除了Lauren和Kors,另外還有Calvin Klein和Tommy Hilfiger的母公司PVH,股價也反應了實際的銷售數字,很不妙。
"How Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren and friends lost their cool"
By Heather Long
"When people see how ubiquitous they've become and everyone has a Michael Kors bag, it loses its luster. It loses its fashion credibility," says Ike Boruchow, a senior research analyst at Sterne Agee who covers specialty retailers.
"Foreign exchange will be a real headwind for them," she says.
Investors, much like fashionistas, are forward looking. They want to know: what will the next season bring? The outlook for all of these brands is dimming for 2015.
Kors now has 509 retail stores compared to 395 at the end of 2013.
That might be good for consumers who could end up scoring more deals on Kors and Ralph Lauren gear, but that's not a win for investors.
"I've never seen a company grow as fast and as quickly as [Kors] has," says Boruchow at Sterne Agee. "I've also never seen investor sentiment on a company go from so bullish to bearish."
「下」:平價服飾品牌匯集零售商Urban Outfitters股價大漲。
2015年03月10日美國平價服飾品牌匯集零售商Urban Outfitters股價大漲11.52%(台灣news link財訊快報)
美國CNN依股價反應報導自家的品牌公司,趨勢向下,流行精品Cool味不再?。英國The Economist的報導"The purpose of fashion shows is changing. Now everyone can watch"則從 fashion shows切入,奢侈品牌除了藉由時裝週抽掉中間商的蝕利,更在新科技中(透過線上即時轉播)找到更廣、更個人的接觸面,似乎有發掘出更多潛在買家的機會。
2015年03月05日Bloomberg報導A&F股價的「腹肌」沒了… 03月04日單日即暴跌15.51%。
旗下有Burberry、Emporio Armani、DKNY和Diesel等品牌的Fossil Group於2015年02月18日被空襲!
節目影音部份:"Strong dollar hurting fashion brands"
Paul R. La Monica(CNN Money數位特派員)與主持人互動之言論:一般在討論經濟問題時,多是談到中產階級被壓得喘不過氣、底層人民生活的不堪,但精品業多不受影響。而現在,就Ralph Lauren和Michael Kors這些以全球為銷售佈局的美系「流行」精品公司而言,強勢美元絕對是不利的重要因素,再加上歐洲、中國和日本的消費力道因各自的因素而減弱,影響也很大。另一方面,消費者也對它們炫耀張揚的Logo感到疲倦。就Michael Kors而言,數年前上市後的確很夯,但這些年競爭對手不斷出現,使其出現疲態。再加上精品界挖角風盛行,此消彼長在所多有。
Heather Long的文章則引用多位專家的論點直指,這些名牌精品之前因為景氣不好大打折扣戰,再加上outlet到處開,當流行精品的標價不再高不可攀,人們開始懷疑它們「名牌」的成份還有多高?除了Lauren和Kors,另外還有Calvin Klein和Tommy Hilfiger的母公司PVH,股價也反應了實際的銷售數字,很不妙。
"How Michael Kors, Ralph Lauren and friends lost their cool"
By Heather Long
"When people see how ubiquitous they've become and everyone has a Michael Kors bag, it loses its luster. It loses its fashion credibility," says Ike Boruchow, a senior research analyst at Sterne Agee who covers specialty retailers.
"Foreign exchange will be a real headwind for them," she says.
Investors, much like fashionistas, are forward looking. They want to know: what will the next season bring? The outlook for all of these brands is dimming for 2015.
Kors now has 509 retail stores compared to 395 at the end of 2013.
That might be good for consumers who could end up scoring more deals on Kors and Ralph Lauren gear, but that's not a win for investors.
"I've never seen a company grow as fast and as quickly as [Kors] has," says Boruchow at Sterne Agee. "I've also never seen investor sentiment on a company go from so bullish to bearish."