

目前顯示的是 3月, 2022的文章

Batman2022, B minus

 #Batman2022 is not a trendy superhero movie, it's harsh, cruel and realistic for grown-ups, not for the family. Near 3 hours long, definitely not for the kids, and not bladder-friendly. It would be grateful if you exit the theater with sunlight welcoming you, in order to get rid of all the non-stop rain (& the flood ) & gloomy mood that you were almost drowned in it. Could it be a market concern that the 1st one who has been saved by the Batman is an Asian. #RobertPattinson is no doubt a charmer, especially his chin and chest. His facial skin condition is devastating, thanks to the workout training, his topless performace is attractive. But why does he has to be half-naked while searching for the evidence from all the clues in the form of physical pictures and with white sprays on the ground?  He perfoms better in Batman suit,  and when in Bruce Wayne, there's no traits of suave and posh that represent the wealth from his father's legacy.  And for the Batman...